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GLT HIV/AIDS Services Team


From left to right: Debbie Guity (Missing), Judy James, Missionary Annette Campbell (Coordinator), Reverend Edward Burks (Director), Yvonne Castillo.

HIV/AIDS Ministry

Welcome to the HIV/AIDS Ministry of Greater Love Tabernacle.  Our mission is to increase HIV & AIDS awareness in the Christian community, while empowering them to serve people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.  As an outreach ministry, we are particularly interested in reaching those with little knowledge about the disease to better assist in prevention and treatment. 


Please feel free to reach out to us by calling the confidential GLT HIV/AIDS Service Helpline at (617) 740-9480. 


We are here to help and will do that we can to assist you. 


HIV/AIDS Services Director,

Reverend Edward Burks


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